Test Requirements

this document defines each test in Requirements See Digitization standards Folder Structure and bdrc-audit prototype to do list

The test subject is a set of files in a path. The audit user inputs test parameters. Each test may have its own set of parameters.

For most tests, the required input is the container of a project. This structure is named the Standard Project Structure The container is a folder which contains: - a Bibliographic Info Sheet in Excel format - a directory named "archive" which contains subfolders (no naming convention) - a directory named "images" which contains subfolders (no naming convention)

Audit number of files per folder

Test Parameters

Path to a folder containing a Standard Project Structure

Success criteria:

Passes only when: * every subfolder contains only files whose file name ends with a number. * The numbers in the file name endings form a series 1..n where n is the number of files in the folder. * Numbers may contain leading zeroes. It is not required that each file contain the same format. For example,


is a valid sequence for a two file folder.

File Type

Test parameters

  • Path to a folder containing a Standard Project Structure
  • a designation of the folder containing the archival master (default name: archive )
  • a designation of the folder containing the web images (default name: images )

Success criteria:

Passes only when: * the archive files contain only images which match these requirements:

Feature Standard
File format JPEG 2000 (.j2k), wavelets compression, highest data size
Resolution 600 ppi/dpi
Color profile RGB, 24-bits
Pixel dimensions consistent width
~~Quality~~ ~~1 page per image, no borders, no scan lines, no artifacts~~

The Quality aspect cannot be determined by programmatic inspection, so it is not a requirement in the audit phase.

  • the web images folder files have the following properties:
Feature Standard
File Format JPEG (.jpg) for color pages, TIFF G4 compression (.tif) for text only pages
Resolution consistent ppi/dpi
Color Profile RGB 24-bits for JPEG, BW 1-bit for TIFF
Pixel dimensions consistent width
File size smaller than 400 KB

Canonical paths

Test Parameters

  • Path to a folder containing a Standard Project Structure
  • Work Name: an unformatted text string
  • Volume names: a list of unformatted text strings, representing the volumes in the work.

Note this document does not specify formats for work and volume names.

Success Criteria

This test passes when:

  1. the last element of the project folder is the work name.
  2. The project folder contains one folder for each given volume.

Audit Biblio-sheets

Needs more detail