Audit Tool Installation

New In Version 1.0

Version 1.0 is built and packaged under the most current LTS (Long Term Support) version of Java, 17. It exploits a packaging utility which provides native installation packages on supported MacOS, Debian, and Windows 10 platforms. This provides:

  • No requirement for pre-installed Java - Audit-tool provides its own JRE (Java Runtime Engine), at JRE 17.3
  • No need to configure a new install.
  • Much simpler configuration: shell and Powershell scripts are no longer required.

Version Information

Use these values of VER and REL where they appear below:

  • Current VER is 1.0
  • Current REL is alpha

Supported Platforms

  • Windows 10
  • Mac OS X 11.6 (Big Sur) or earlier 11. MacOS 10 version have not been tested.
  • Debian 10 (Buster)

Note: Release 1.0-alpha does not require supporting packages such as: - Powershell 3.0 on windows - gnu coreutils on MacOS - Java


Releases are available to download on asset-manager-code Releases


Windows download

Debian download

MacOS download


Windows installation

Run the launcher audit-tool-1.0.exe

Note if the installer fails to launch within a minute, it may be because there is an existing audit-tool installation. Use Settings | Control Panel | Apps | Uninstall programs to remove it.

Note The installer may take a few moments to launch, or to show a selection of folders, if that option is chosen (see below)

Windows Install Intro

If audit tool was installed when you launched, you mAY have an opportunity to choose your action:

Change or Repair

You can choose your installation directory:

Choose directory

Note if you choose the default installation directory, audit-tool will be available to all users of the computer on which it is installed.

Install prompt

Setting path

audit-tool still needs to be launched from a console window (such as Windows Terminal or Fluent Terminal ). You may find it helpful to add its location to your PATH.

Settings (You can reach this with the shortcut WindowsKey+Pause) --> find

environment Edit Environment variables

Personal Environment variables

Select 'Path' and click 'Edit' as shown here:

ClickPath You'll see each line. Add the line of the installation directory.

Environment setting

You will see a table of your environment variables.

Add the last line (the default installation is shown as an example)

Adding install directory

MacOS installation

Open the downloaded package:


and drag '' to '/Applications'

Debian installation

Values in this table are referred to in the instruction as {Property}. (eg, {Package name})

Property Value
Application name audit-tool
Application version 1.0-alpha
Package name audit-v1
Package-Release 1
Package File name audit-v1_1.0-alpha-1_amd64.deb
Install location /opt/audit-v1
Executable /opt/audit-v1/bin/audit-tool

Download: TODO: web loc audit-v1_1.0-alpha-1_amd64.deb into some_folder Install: sudo apt install -f some_folder/audit-v1_1.0-alpha-1_amd64.deb This creates a package in the Install location above, overwriting existing contents and configurations.

There are several options for general user access: 1. Add /opt/{Package Name}/bin to the path of any users who use it. 2. Create a symbolic link in a generally public path: ln -s /opt/{Package name}/bin/audit-tool 3. Use the update-alternatives scheme to install the version into a list of choices (to allow multiple global installations). While this is more cumbersome, it is more sysadmin friendly than writing directly into /usr/local/bin.

It also automatically creates a link into any directory you choose (in this example, we use /usr/local/bin, but you're free to create your own distribution means.)

Suppose you want to install a new version and retain the older one. Since BDRC always changes the package name on every release, you would install them separately. For this example, we've installed two versions: audit-tool-v1 and audit-tool-v1.1

To configure for easy change over, we would:

$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/audit-tool audit-tool /opt/audit-v1/bin/audit-tool 50
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/audit-tool audit-tool /opt/audit-v1.1/bin/audit-tool 55

You can see the results here, by invoking the config switcher:

$  sudo update-alternatives --config audit-tool

There are 2 choices for the alternative audit-tool (providing /usr/local/bin/audit-tool).

  Selection    Path                            Priority   Status
* 0            /opt/audit-v1.1/bin/audit-tool   55        auto mode
  1            /opt/audit-v1.1/bin/audit-tool   55        manual mode
  2            /opt/audit-v1/bin/audit-tool     50        manual mode

Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

You would simply press 1 or 2 here to change the versions you want users to run.


This section applies to all platforms.

audit-tool now uses the app/ subfolder of its installation directory for all its configuration. This file is generated by the install process. Changes you make to it will be overwritten when the application is re-installed.

This configuration replaces the AT_HOME and CONFIG_ATHOME settings of prior releases. Users with write permission can simply edit the app/ files:

File Purpose
audit-tool.cfg Generated list of complete properties to launch the application. Changes to this list are unsupported Parameters for tests (such as names of directories, limits and error overrides) Logging control

Detailed configuration is described in

Guidelines for Updating an existing installation

Installation overwrites any prior installations. It is advisable to save existing configurations in the app/ folder of the install and *carefully merge them into a new install.