པར་གཞི་སྒྲིག་ཆས། Pecha Printer
Program to convert a pdf into a ready to print “Pecha”, traditional Tibetan volumes.
ཕབ་ལེན། Download Installer
ཚད་མཐོའི་འཇུག་སྤྲོད། Advanced Install
Why use pecha-printer?
- printing one pecha page per paper sheet wastes a lot of paper
- grouping images 3 by 3 in photoshop is difficult and time consuming

- A requires a lot of reordering of pecha pages,
- B only requires to combine the 3 piles in order to get a pecha ready for reading!

Development Roadmap
To do:
Wish list:
- split pdfs on outline and name files after section names
The code is Copyright 2019 Buddhist Digital Resource Center, and is provided under Apache License 2.0.